Original Release Date: 10/27/2016
The NJCCIC assesses with high confidence that botnets formed by compromised ‘internet-of-things’ (IoT) devices will almost certainly lead to more frequent, more disruptive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, many of which will initially lack a clear motive behind the selection of targets. While state-sponsored actors may utilize these capabilities along with other offensive tactics, we assess it is more likely that non-state actors such as politically-motivated hacktivists, profit-driven criminals, hobbyist hackers within the video game community, and terrorist groups or their sympathizers, will employ these tactics against government and private industry targets. The rapid growth of IoT hardware coming online—Gartner estimates there will be 20.8 billion devices by 2020—combined with the pervasive lack of security and the increasing availability of hacking tools and tactics to exploit them, has significantly lowered the barriers and reduced the costs, resources, and technical capability needed to conduct large-scale disruptive attacks.
The NJCCIC recommends organizations consider contracting a backup DNS provider to maintain continuity in the event of an attack on primary DNS infrastructure. In the case of last week’s attack on Dyn, the companies whose websites were inaccessible could have mitigated the impact if a secondary DNS provider was available as a failover mechanism. In addition, the NJCCIC strongly advises all organizations establish Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Incident Response Plans that include DDoS protections through Internet Service Providers (ISP) or a third-party firm that specializes in DDoS mitigation. While these services do not guarantee that attacks will not result in outages, most organizations are not capable of defending against the many varieties of attack tactics on their own.
To prevent IoT hardware from being compromised and used to conduct attacks, users and administrators should:
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